Dental Implants Mercerville

A Modern Way to Rebuild Your Smile

Man and woman cooking in their kitchen after getting dental implants in Mercerville

Dental implants may not have been around as long as traditional dentures and bridges, but many dentists consider them to be the best option for replacing any number of missing teeth. Is there any empty space in your smile? Our team can help you figure out whether you are a candidate for dental implants or mini implants. Give our dental office a call if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lavery for dental implants in Mercerville.

Why Choose Dr. Brian Lavery Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for Dental Implants?

  • Dental Implants Placed and Restored In-Office
  • Mini Dental Implants Available
  • Caring, Relaxing Dental Practice

What Are Dental Implants?

Dentist holding a model of a dental implant

Unlike traditional bridges and dentures, dental implants are meant to be inserted into your jaw. Each implant post is made out of a biocompatible material that can gradually fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. Once your dental implants have become fully integrated with your jawbone, they can be restored with a customized crown, bridge, or denture. With the implant posts acting as artificial roots, your new smile will look great, feel comfortable, and function naturally.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Illustrated dental implant replacing a missing lower tooth

It typically requires several months to complete the process of having dental implants placed. Each step of the process will ultimately be worth it once you experience the advantages of implant-supported replacement teeth firsthand. The process as a whole can be divided into four main parts, as follows:

  • Initial Consultation: We’ll examine your mouth and review your oral health history to determine if dental implants are right for you. Sometimes you might require certain preliminary procedures before you can be considered a dental implant candidate.
  • Surgery: Placing dental implants in your jaw involves a relatively simple surgery. Once the posts are in place, protective caps will be attached to them to aid with the healing process.
  • Osseointegration/Abutments: It will take 3 to 6 months for the implant posts to fuse with the jaw, and once they have, you will be ready to receive your abutments.
  • Delivery of the Final Restoration: Once your customized crown, bridge, or denture is ready, we can use the abutments to attach your new teeth to your implant posts.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Woman in mint green blouse smiling

Many patients with dental implants are happy with their choice thanks to the many benefits associated with the treatment, such as:

  • Being able to eat most foods without issue.
  • Having a restored smile that looks and feels natural.
  • Being able to speak clearly without the drawback of traditional dentures that could slip at inopportune times.
  • Preventing the bone loss that tends to occur when teeth are missing.
  • Being able to keep the dental implant posts for decades.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant sitting on a pile of money

Dental implants are one of the most celebrated methods of replacing teeth and are capable of doing incredible things for your smile. However, they’re also one of the pricier procedures available to you, which makes patients a little bit nervous about paying for the treatment.

While it’s absolutely the case that you get what you pay for, we still do everything we can to make your care as affordable as possible. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about budgeting for the procedure and what it may ultimately cost.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

: Patient talking to a dentist about money

If you want strong dental implants you’ll need a solid foundation, which means that your gum and bone tissue will need to be healthy. If it isn’t, you may need a couple of preliminary procedures in order to prepare you for the treatment, like bone grafts or gum disease therapy. These treatments are important to consider when planning out your budget for the treatment.

Then there’s the cost of the procedure itself. You’ll have your treatment completed entirely in-house, which means that it’ll be possible to get a complete estimate for what it is going to cost beforehand.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Dental implant separated into parts

The there’s the price of the dental implant itself, which comes down to several factors. As you can imagine, the number of dental implants you get will be important in this regard. You’ll also have to consider the type of restoration that you’re using, with dentures and bridge tending to cost more than dental crowns.

The material that the implant is made from, its size, and even the brand of the dental implant will be integral to its cost. We’ll talk you through all of these factors when we are able to meet you in person.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

Money in a piggy bank

Some patients are tempted to opt for one of the more inexpensive procedures, like dentures and dental bridges. While these treatments are absolutely incredible, dental implants can save you a lot of money in the long run if you decide to opt for them.

This is because dental implants regularly last over 30 years and can endure for a lifetime if you take care of them properly. This will save you a lot of money on replacements and give you the confidence of a much more durable tooth.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dental insurance form on a table

Dental implants have surged in popularity in recent years; while they weren’t covered by insurance for a very long time, this is rapidly changing. For that reason it’s a good idea to reach out to your insurance company before the procedure to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your benefits. Of course, we’ll be happy to assist you in this process.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Dental tools on a pile of money

We also want care to be affordable for patients who don’t have insurance, so we have alternative methods of making your care fit your budget. For one, we have an in-house dental plan that can give you substantial discounts on care, in addition to a host of other preventive services.

You may also be interested in financing. We frequently work with CareCredit, which offer low-to-no interest plans for patients who qualify. Give us a call and we’ll talk to you about what financial options are available to you at the time.