Trick or Drink: How a Halloween-Themed Cocktail Could Harm Your Teeth

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — brianlavery @ 9:32 pm
Halloween-themed cocktails sitting on a bar top

Halloween is best remembered as the candy-hoarding holiday, but many adults like to indulge in more age-restrictive fun. Spooky season is a great time to find creative cocktails, or simply a spot to enjoy more minimalistic alcohol in a suitably haunted atmosphere.

It’s difficult to resist a good drink when the mood is just right. However, if you want your smile to make it through this sugar-infested celebration, there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to alcohol. Keep reading to learn how a spirit-infused brew could harm your teeth.

Chocolate’s Not the Only Treat with Sugar

Alcohol can contain plenty of sugar, especially when mixed together in a cocktail! The reason dentists don’t like sugar very much is because it’s the perfect bacteria fuel. Overconsumption will accelerate its growth, leading to more build up that’s harder to remove, which puts you at an increased risk for developing conditions like gum disease and tooth decay.

Some artificial sweeting from time to time isn’t going to be the end of the world. But you should be mindful of how much you’re consuming. If it’s been an impulsive week, maybe select a drier champagne or wine instead!

Dry-Mouth Horrors

The moisture content in your mouth actually plays a vital role in your oral health. Your gums and teeth, like you, need to stay hydrated to be healthy, and your saliva works hard to neutralize harmful acids and bacteria before they can damage your enamel. Alcohol, though, can make your mouth dry as a bone! Chasing down each glass of spirits with a full cup of water will help mitigate this effect – and likely also help you feel better while you celebrate!

Science, Your Gums, and Your Alcoholic Drink

All alcohol has a blood-thinning quality that weakens your immune system. This is why you might get sick or feel icky more often when you drink frequently, and the equation also applies to your mouth.

You’ll have a harder time fending off all sorts of oral illnesses, including oral cancer, but gum disease is perhaps the biggest threat. Studies have concluded that habitual drinkers are much more likely to contract gum disease, and if they have an existing case of it, it’s more likely to advance. If you’ve lost count of how many spirited tinctures you’ve had, it’s time to call it a day and be done with alcohol for the week.

There’s nothing wrong with having some adult Halloween fun. But all things should be had in moderation. Minimizing your alcohol consumption in general and especially during the tempting holiday season is simply best for your oral health. Think of it as savoring the moment. That interesting cocktail with the skeleton straw or eyeball-looking ice cubes is going to taste a lot better if you pace yourself!

About the Dentist

Dr. Brian Lavery has been helping patients with their oral health for over 40 years – and counting! He has a wealth of experience in the field and can help you find effective ways to protect your smile this holiday season. Whether you’d like personalized advice or are interested in scheduling a checkup and cleaning, Dr. Lavery will take care of you and your teeth! To contact his office, call 609-534-2636.

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